Alright, first things first. I'm a compete fucking moron.
Marty and I provided the music at the New Year's Eve shindig, at No Frills Grill Saturday night. It seemed the easiest way for us to have as many people as would show up over, and the bar's manager, Dave (a.k.a. The Big Ball Of Fun) said we could jack our iPods into the house system to provide a specially selected mix of music for the night. (I'll post the playlists later, once I stop fuming.)
I'm fairly certain that the final tally for the evening's debauchery was:
* four bottles of Shiner Bock
* five pints of Shiner
* eight shots of Maker's Mark
* one chintzy plastic glass of champagne
* one bottle of champagne (Dave likes me)
* one shouting match with Woody (never discuss business when you're soused)
* ...and one cracked iPod display
As near as I can figure it, I put my iPod into my front pants pocket once my playlist was complete. The same pocket where my keys were.
When I woke up New Year's Day, I discovered the display was ruined on the right-hand side -- the one where the battery remaining is displayed.
It's still useable, and I'm going to have to use it, as I'm working at Gator's this evening (another emergency fill-in gig, but I'm still retired, dammit!) and need it for fill-in music.
My options at this point are: 1) Have the display repaired, which will run me around $120; 2) Buy a refurbished iPod of the same model for $200; or 3) get a new 30 GB video iPod for $300.
Anything I pay will be a stupidity tax. Dammit!
Ouch! Angry, stupid drunk. ;-)
I had a dignified suburban NYE. Nothing but champagne, and Pictionary. Naughty Pictionary. Yeah, you know what I'm sayin'.
Posted by: kelly | January 03, 2006 at 09:53 PM said you and the beloved were going to a party! Liar! If you didn't want to come over, you could have just said so :P
Posted by: Ali | January 04, 2006 at 05:22 AM
Dammit. If you were at Gator's TONIGHT, I could come see you.
Posted by: Katy | January 04, 2006 at 08:27 AM
I Love you girls
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