I was talking to Mike G. this evening, and the conversation turned to the book I'm working on. When he found out it was autobiographical, his first response was, "Well, we have a pretty big opinion of ourself, don't we?"
He then went on to suggest a few titles for the book (regardless of my protests). Some of his ideas:
Luck Favors the Portly
Are You There, God? It's Me, Devin
Dear Internet, I Love You: One Man's Story of Courage
Chapter One: Things Go Badly
This Isn't Going To Turn Out Well: One Man's Tale...
Overdrawn: The Advance For The Book Was Too Small
Never Thin Enough: One Man's Battle With Bulimia
I Did So Write A Book by Devin Pike
The Only Flower Press Book You'll Ever Need
Full Count: How Baseball Ruined My Life
File Not Found: One Man's True IT Story
Thin Scalp, Thick Skin: My Struggle With Male Pattern Baldness
He says the title should have a colon in it, to add gravity to the subject matter and make the reader sit up and take notice. Also, it should have a four-letter word in it, to stir the controversy pot.
Thanks, Mike. Bastard.
Just Trying to help.
Posted by: Mike G. | November 10, 2005 at 09:30 PM
How could one pick from such moving titles?
Posted by: Suz | November 11, 2005 at 08:00 AM
Is it too late to cast my vote for "Chapter One: Things Go Badly"? I really think that has legs. Let's workshop it... :)
Posted by: BrotherMike | November 15, 2005 at 11:10 PM