If you're not reading Yirmumah! on a regular basis, you are simply not getting as much funny as you should be. I know this makes little sense, so I'll elaborate: D.J. Coffman and Bob McDeavitt publish one of the funniest webcomics out there. PERIOD.
D.J. also has a knack for finding great links. Case in point: this wholly juvenile, yet outrageously funny, animated GIF telling a 'Revenge of the Sith' sidestory. Just click the damned thing and tell me you're not giggling.
Why do boys enjoy fart humour so much?
Of course, I was giggling too, so maybe it's just not boys.
Posted by: Linds | May 29, 2005 at 07:21 PM
Juvenile? Oh, yes. Funny as hell? Ooooh, yes.
Posted by: Rachelle | May 29, 2005 at 10:55 PM