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« A Different Sharp, Stabbing Pain | Main | And How Was Your Day? »

February 24, 2005



Oh, to be oh so humble in the presence of one so magnanimous. I am so terribly scarred that I had a momentary loss in my intelligence and made a grievous mistake. Let me try to make amends.....hugely, immensely, enormously, titanically, mightily, vastly, stupendously, mammothly, monstrously, gigantically....oh who am I kidding. Thank you for the chuckle you have awarded me. I will forget you the moment I log off, but you will continue to thrash yourself for your wrong doing for the rest of your life. Remember, how ever you royally screwed up, you made a conscious choice to do so.


Yikes. And I thought I hated your guts for a while, Devin.....

All I have to say to 'Like' is -

Thank YOU for the chuckle......because there are probably a few dozen of us posters on DAM (mostly female, I assume) who had moments we would have loved to have seen ol' D fed piece by piece to hungry alligators (Sorry's true!), but somewhere along the way - - YOU GROW UP and realize it just is not worth the effort or energy to hate....and you accept people for who they are...the good, the bad and the judgmentally challenged. (Of course, it doesn't hurt that D has a wicked sense of humor and an almost uncanny ability to turn any situation into a clusterf*ck of the greatest magnitude...we need more people like that in this ol' world).

I have more respect for D...who can admit his asshole-ish behavior....than for someone who can't with pride attach their true name to their D-bashing comments.

Oh....and 'Like' sure does enjoy using words ending in 'ly'...don't ya think?


Apparently, "Like" has learned a vocabulary that consists of words that contain over three syllables.

Congratulations. It shows you have a basic grasp of the English language. You could get into Community College creative writing program, and perhaps figure out a way to use those words in a grammatically correct sentence structure.

A word of advice, dear 'Like,' If you have such a high level of disdain for Devin, finding him arrogant, narccisistic, whatever the case may be, then why read his website, or even bother posting comments?

It smells like obsessive behaviour to me. Or something equally rank.

"I will forget you the moment I log off..."

Please do. You're quite an annoyance.

However, I doubt you'll be able to manage such a feat, since you've posted spiteful comments on this blog on several seperate occasions. It seems like a goal that you can't quite achieve. Poor muffin. You're painting yourself in an awfully negative light.

When all is said and done, you won't remember the negative shit that happened during whatever relationship you had with Him, as much as how you behaved after the fact. Quit smearing your personal shit on public walls. Grow a set of balls, or a thicker skin, and either:

A) Say it face to face,


B)Build a bridge, and get over it.

The pathetic 'Karma' Dogma that your espousing is running mightily thin, considering the fact that you are the one spouting off negative comments.

When you die alone, and wonder why in the last few hours of your spiteful, degenerate existance; that, M'dear, is your answer. You deserved it.

People such as yourself, that exploit others illnesses/ailments, disgust me.

Savage kicks, I suppose, for savage people.

Unlike Like

Here's another anonymous comment, from someone from your past who does read your blog yet does not speak to you, hasn't been particularly scarred and does not therefore throw stones at houses of any material or construction - I blatheringly digress - however, this comment is on your side (well, sort of, anyway): blogs are inherently self-centered. So are offline journals. So is shit you mutter while in traffic, or think about when you're in the shower. Now, being bull-headed isn't necessarily a bad thing; if Mr/Ms [email protected] thinks this, then he/she needs to reconsider. Perhaps being bull-headed is what has kept your ass alive through all of the shit you've endured physically at the very least.
That is all.



You should feel honored. Even after promising to log off and forget about you, "it" decided to once again rear "its" ugly head and post yet another yawner of a comment. You have a stalker, babe - I mean, other than me - from afar. Enjoy the attention. I love you and your guts in a very "that's just how you love Devin" way. Talk to you soon. ;)



To "Like" - OH MY GOD! Move on already!!! I did and I went through the exact same shit that you, and everyone else that has responded on here has (very well put, ladies). And I've known him since college.

If you're still reading this, then you have coping issues that stem beyond Devin.

Unlike Like

OMFG, I just saw the NEW post LikeAsswipe posted - man oh man, that amuses the hell out of me. "You are not worth my time but watch as I post and post and post and post and (wheeeze) post and post and post and post and post and post and post and post and post and post and post and post and post and post AND post and post and post and post and post and post and post and post and post and post and post and post and post about how insignificant you are- wait, I must post something else about you and your utter unimporta-wait, something else springs to mind..." You know, I will give him/her credit for passing the spelling portion of the TAKS test. Good on ya, Like! Snort. Now if you'll excuse me I must now devote lots of time to something I care very little about -- did I mention, I am so stupid that I will immediately forget what I did right after I did it? LikeGoldfish!


Well, Dev, M'darlin.

If you looked on the bright side of it all...

At least your blog is getting much more comment traffic than usual right now.

What a friggin' soap opera.

Mike G

Um, I only like you as a friend. Sorry.


I don't really have anything to add that has not already been said to your newest stalker, but all the other kids were commenting & I just wanted to be a part of the group ;)

Don't sweat the small stuff D. And no matter how big Like's vocabulary is.. they are just small stuff:)

Keep taking care of yourself!

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