When re-starting the TypePad version of SwampLog, I had a few blogs that I linked to that I needed to check. Make sure they hadn't fallen off the face of the planet. One of those was 'May I Be Frank,' written by Emma Candy, a woman undergoing treatment for cancer in England.
Emma died in February.
Her death hits me hard for two reasons. First, I always feel guilty when someone else doesn't beat cancer. Mine was detected early, and I was able to fight it aggresively. Emma didn't have that luxury, and she deserved it. No one deserves to have to go through that, dying by degrees.
Secondly, it took months before I found out, because I let her blog fall off my radar. I didn't know her at all -- I didn't even comment on her blog -- yet I feel like I should have been more attentive. She was putting EVERYTHING out there for everyone to see, and I wasn't around to see it.
Her blog is still online. You should read it from start to finish. It's Emma's legacy, and her voice deserves to be heard.