Yesterday, being productive and all that, I was in the midst of getting all of the laundry done and cleaning my room. That's when the stomach cramps started.
In the space of an hour, I went from feeling fine, to doubling over in pain and running fever. Went straight to bed, took some NyQuil and drank a bottle or two of Gatorade (thanks for coming through with that, Marty) and this morning, everything's seemingly fine. No idea if it was a 12-hour bug, food poisoning (day-old refrigerated wings shouldn't be this damaging), or what. I'll march on.
There have been rumblings in the Save Farscape camp for about a week now that there was finally movement on the show. Turns out they were right -- David Kemper and his intrepid band of magicians are working on producing a four-hour miniseries to wrap up the show's storyline.
Though the campaign to resurrect 'Farscape' from the dead was really quite astonishing, I wonder if it really had an impact on the outcome of the show? I would like to hope it played a part, but knowing the disdain in which network executives hold their viewers, I have my doubts.
I know every blogger and their aunt has linked to this Washington Post story about how blogging isn't as cool as it used to be, but I link to it for two reasons. One, the reason I started blogging wasn't to show people what news links I was hitting and disseminate little-known information. I picked up the habit because I needed to start writing again and blogging was the best way to do it.
Secondly, though I can get snarky from time to time, I have no illusions that my opinion is more or less valid than anyone else's. Just because you have a blog doesn't mean you automatically have a superiority complex.
Elsewhere, can someone tell me what planet Jack Nicholson lives on? Has the man just bought into his own hype so damned much that he feels that he is separated from humanity? Exhibit A: Nicholson blasts AIDS as "hype."
Finally, today's net meme tells me I'm The Enthusiast:
free enneagram test
Your friends like reading your page. It makes it easy for everyone to keep up with what's going on in your world. & I might die of boredom if I hadn't been able to take the quizzes you post while yet another company makes me hold for a half an hour :)
Posted by: Suz | November 19, 2003 at 11:03 AM
you're a really talented writer & your stuff is very entertaining. your mind works in mysterious ways & I'm envious.
PS: I took the quiz... so what does it mean when you have 3 high types??? Multiple personality disorder??
Posted by: hathor | November 19, 2003 at 12:21 PM
I'm a Helper, Just like Mother Theresa & Barry Manilow!!
Posted by: Suz | November 19, 2003 at 12:53 PM
I think that most "12-hour bugs" really are food poisoning. Same goes for the so-called "stomach flu".
Posted by: Elizabeth | November 19, 2003 at 06:24 PM